If you’re thinking about going green, a great place to start is in your garden! Doing away with chemicals and pesticides is a major way to help the environment.
We use these chemicals to kill bugs and weeds, but remember that some of the bugs killed are actually good for the flowers and plants. A natural way to rid your garden of pests is to hang nesting boxes with bird seeds. This will attract birds, which eat the small insects that hurt gardens.
You may also want to find a natural method to kill weeds. Some ideas include pulling the leaves off the weeds until they eventually die, blocking sunlight or using old newspapers as mulch to protect them from weeds. Another great tip is to conserve household water. A good way to do this is to water your plants with rain water caught in a rain container. Purchase a container with a lid and keep it covered when it’s not raining to avoid mosquitoes that can damage your plants. You may also consider reducing the size of your garden, planting tougher plants that require less water and use chippings to cover the ground around the garden. Reducing the amount of waste we throw out is also a great eco-friendly tip. Set aside a place for scraps, such as fruit, vegetables, grass cuttings and egg shells to break down. Once broken down, this compost makes an excellent natural fertilizer!